I managed to make three of these at ED & then finished the 4th when I needed an EEK moment escaping the boys in their post Christmas revelry.
MacBuscke Knits: The ramblings from a frantic, frazzled knitting fanatic, who wishes she has more time to knit in between motherhood, business & furr children! Creator of Knit August Nights: www.knitaugustnights.co.nz
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Extra Emergency Knitting
I managed to make three of these at ED & then finished the 4th when I needed an EEK moment escaping the boys in their post Christmas revelry.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The Louis Diaries Part 3
Catching a Bug.
You know that old saying 'Doctors make the worst patients' well I can unequivocally tell you that Surgeons are even worse again! One of our dearest friends (DF) has been very unwell just prior to Christmas, & like Dr.Phil a fellow surgeon. He had been unwell for a few weeks & after an especially busy weekend a week out from Christmas, he became very, very unwell, very quickly. His significant other called me to check in on him (she lives 4 hours away as she completes her specialist medical training), so after talking to him, making arrangements for him to see a 'real doctor' (aka GP) & offering to take him, I thought all would be well. Wrong!
After not going to said doctor, I then dispatch Dr.Phil to his house to really make sure he's OK. After much knocking & hollering, DF informs Dr.Phil that he's just too sick to come to the door & too sick to see the GP - What!?
The next day I decided to take the decisions away from all these bloody doctors & by the point of a knitting needle I collected DF & took him to the GP myself. GP promptly exclaimed 'off to hospital for you', so off to hospital we go. Now DF works at said hospital, so you can imagine how big he felt being admitted into ED & actually having to fess up to 'baby' doctors that his own self administered doctoring skills had landed him in this mess.
So where does the Louis parable fit into this story you might ask? Well after spending all day with DF in hospital & I returned home.
Louis "Where you been all day mummy?"
Me "With DF at the hospital"
Louis "Why is DF at the hospital?"
Me "He's a bit sick Louis, he's caught a nasty bug"
Louis, ponders this for a couple of seconds then says "Does DF have Praying Mantis?"
Me (trying to keep a straight face & not roll around the floor laughing) "It's not that kind of bug darling"
Louis "Oooooh, he must have Ladybug then!"
The moral of this Louis parable - don't let your Praying Mantis or Ladybug get too bad before you go to the GP!
Oh & DF is now on the mend, after bluffing his way out of ED one day, his significant other (who had arrived from out of town at by this stage) then had to call an ambulance to take him back to hospital the next day. He stayed until Christmas Eve & has been taking it very quietly every since, have being fully tongue lashed by all the women in his life about the importance of listening to all our nagging, because more than occasionally, we're right!
Friday, December 24, 2010
A Christmas Wish
Wine in fridge: Check
Knitted gifts completed & distributed: Check
Friday, December 10, 2010
The Louis Diaries Part 2

As you can see Louis isn't to phased about his very boyish coif.
Louis has never been one to worry about his 'looks'. Washing his hair is something he insists on doing, which consists of him submerging himself in soapy bath water without rinsing. Thank goodness the kid has a few curls, because the slightly greasy, ginger mess looks half presentable - well most of the time. Still it never ceases to amaze me how many people stop & tell me or him what 'pretty' hair he has, 'What lovely waves' or 'Such a pretty colour'.
So you can imagine my shock this morning then we were off to preschool & here he was in the back of the car craning over the seat to look in the rear vision mirror in order to preen himself. He diligently stroked & his fringe into a sort of an ordered chaos & vainly attempted to tame his errant curls into some sort of submission.
"Louis, what are you doing to your hair!?"
"I'm mooose-sing Mummy"
"Moose-sing? What do you need to 'Mousse' for?" (at this point I really should know better but just call me a sucker for punishment)
"Keep all the bugs off Mummy, bugs like Louis hair, it's pretty, but 'Mooose' makes it better"
Louis Moral #2 - Mooose keeps your hair bug free, especially when it's as pretty as his.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Craft Jammin'

Suzanne being kept busy - she'll kill me as I'm always sneakily snapping her for the blog!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
A Pause for Pike River
It’s exactly a month until Christmas today. New Zealand is left numb after the news yesterday that 29 families are going to be left without husbands, fathers, brothers, son & partners in the wake of the Pike River mining disaster. It seems surreal sitting here in sunny Napier, I can’t imagine the level of grief & loss that must be felt by those families. I think all of us can be accused of being a little smug in the thought that after the success rescuing the Chilean miners & the horrific devastation of the Christchurch earthquake there was no loss of life. Sticks & stones can be mended, but I don’t know what any of us can do to mend the broken hearts which are breaking all over the West Coast right now.
In any disaster there are tragedies & often unlikely heroes. With the level of loss in Pike River it’s hard to imagine what heroes there are. Watching from afar I have been struck my two figures. First is Mine boss Peter Whittall. Here has been a man, who day after day, has remained a rock, a shining beacon for the families to look to during the duration of this disaster. His professionalism & composure is inspiring, his compassion endearing & each day etched on his face was a determination to 'do right by his mates'. After he broke the news yesterday to the nation that all hope had been lost for his men, he still managed to maintain his composure. I did not. When he was finished & he embraced his own family who had been by his side throughout & he walked out to well deserved applause, I shed tears for all those men lost.
Just as Peter Whittall has been the rock for the miners families, Grey District Mayor Tony Kokshoorn has been the same pillar of strength for his shattered community. Mayor Kokshoorns ability to succinctly convey the raw emotions of his constituents, whilst providing unfailing support & praise for the rescue effort, was a rare treasure. Not once did I see him slip into the spiral of blame. I truly felt he was speaking for the people of Grey District, if Tony Kokshoorn ever decided to trade local government for a central government role, he’d have my vote.
So back in sunny Napier the week that has unfolded has left me with a refreshed perspective to enter the festive season. Life is really too short. Enjoy, relax & pause.... Oh & knit through everything.
Monday, November 22, 2010

hoodwinked is what I have come up with. A big thank you to Mary from Skeinz for modelling it for me, just beautiful!
200gm Skeinz Super Chunky (Bud Burst)
15mm Needles, Wool needle to sew up.
Abbreviations: K = Knit, sts = Stitches, Kfb = Knit into the front & the back of the stitch, PM = place marker, SM = slip marker, K2tog = knit 2 stitches together, k2togtbl = Knit 2 stitches together through the back of the loop.
With 15mm needles
Cast on 12 sts
K2 rows
K5 Kfb, PM, Kfb, K5
Repeat the last two rows until you have 20sts
Repeat last two rows until you have 30 sts
K to marker, sm, k2tog, k to end
Repeat last two rows until you have 20sts
K until 2 sts before marker k2togtbl, sm, k2tog, k to end
Repeat last two rows until you have 12 sts
Cast Off leaving a long tail for sewing in.
Sew seams together picking up one loop from one side then the other (like threading a shoe lace) & pull firmly to gather the ends. Weave in loose ends.
Tip: make sure you slip the first stitch of every row, this will then give you a nice neat edge to your hood.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Working it Out
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Where do Babies come from - The Louis Diaries
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Spring Fling
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Mini Me

We escaped to my family home in Gisborne (more about that in a later blog), and one of things I did do whilst I was away was to play around with my Midori pattern even more.
Honestly it took me 3 hours to knit & I can see me getting oodles of wear out of it. The colour I've chosen is called Death in a Chocolate Box, available from Skeinz, I am also going to knit another one using Peacock in the Paint box. It is light & easy to wear, perfect for Spring & Autumn. Enjoy!
PS If you are wondering about bust measurements etc, I have worked off the principle of how many stitches I would need using 10mm needles to fit over my substantial arse & the rest happened organically from there!
Mini Midori Tunic
Skeinz Super Chunky 500gm apx (largest Size)
Sizes: Sm, Med, Lg, XXL
Notions: 10mm & 15mm Needles
Fronts & back both alike.
On 10mm needles
Cast on 46 (48, 50,52) sts
Knit 6 rows
Work 16 rows stocking stitch.
NR: K10 k2tog tbl, knit to last 12 sts k2tog, knit to end
Repeat last two rows16 (16, 20, 24) times
Change to 10mm needles – cast on with backwards loop 7 (8,9,10) sts, knit across these sts & Knit to end then cast on 7 (8,9,10) sts (turn work, cast on sts using backwards loop)
Knit 7 rows
(RS) k2 k2tog (k4 k2tog) repeat sequence to last few sts, k to end
Knit 3 rows
Cast off
Join two neckbands to form shoulder. Sew side seams until to have reach length desired for underarm.

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Midori Anyone?
For those who know me well, once I start down a path, I tend to keep going back until I have done that path to death. This months 'path' has been super chunky yarns. We have a stunning collection of these yarns in at skeinz.com, but customers have been a little daunted at what to do with them. So a couple of weeks ago I drafted the Raukumara Scarf & this week I whipped this tunic up, just to see how long it would actually take to knit an adult (and a large adult at that) project in this super chunky loveliness. I can report that the tunic took just two nights, one of those sitting at the dinner table blathering with friends & consuming a good amount of Hawkes Bay Syrah!
It really is a doddle - please forgive my shabby pattern writing, as I have warned you before, I'm not a pattern writers asshole, so if you get stuck email me
Midori Tunic
Sizes: Sm, Med, Lg, XXL
Notions: 10mm & 20mm Needles
Fronts & back both alike.
On 10mm needles
Cast on 46 (48, 50,52) sts
Knit 6 rows
Change to 20mm Needles
Work 12 rows stocking stitch.
NR: K10 k2tog tbl, knit to last 12 sts k2tog, knit to end
Repeat last two rows16 (18, 20, 22) times
Change to 10mm needles – cast on with backwards loop 7 (8,9,10) sts, knit across these sts & Knit to end then cast on 7 (8,9,10) sts (turn work, cast on sts using backwards loop)
Knit 6 rows
(RS) k2 k2tog (k4 k2tog) repeat sequence to last few sts, k to end
Knit 3 rows
Cast off
Make Up
Join two neckbands to form shoulder. Sew side seams until to have reach length desired for underarm. If you find the tunic too ‘heavy’ & pulling at neck, sew a run of yarn along the middle ridge of the wrong side of the neck band, this will help hold it in place.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Quick Fix
![]() |
Texas by Skeinz |
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Teddy Knows Best.

Monday, September 27, 2010
Slipper-y Slope
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Postcards from Paradise
And yes, I did find time to do a little knitting!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I have now escaped to a tropical island for some R&R (also my back up plan if the entire event turned to shit!), so my post will be brief, but I thought I would post a few photo's of the event to whet your apetities for next year. If you think you would like to attend KAN:2, email me at busckem@clear.net.nz & I will add you to the mailing list. In the meantime - Kia Orana!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Through Fresh Eyes
The Hawkes Bay Knitters group, which is the local SnB group I belong to held it's first Beginners Learn to Knit Class. Pulled together by Jennie (organiser extraordinaire) we had nine will participants cast on. I designed a simple hat pattern & was delighted at how quickly the entire group were knitting & purling their way to knitted bliss.
Jennie made the most amazing project bags filled with a couple of notions, Kim & Robyn made the most delicious spread & Ruby, Heather helped mentor the new knitters along. All in all a great success!
Enjoy these few snaps from the morning. If you wish to enrol for the next class email me on busckem@clear.net.nz or visit our Ravelry group & look for the knit workshop thread.
Plenty of talking to go with the knitting!