Wine in fridge: Check
Knitted gifts completed & distributed: Check
Enough food to feed 3rd world nation in fridge: Check
You've gotta love Christmas. This year I have enjoyed it especially. For the first time the boys' are both of an age that they are getting excited about the season, Louis has a list for Santa which is as long as your arm (You just have to email Santa Mummy, you have time to add that to Louis list) & Hugo is just been getting into the entire spirit of the season & if that spirit includes Star Wars, all the better.
This year we have Dr. Phil's Mum here, so with a hankering I have had to martyr myself in the kitchen yet again, we have now also ended up with my cousin & her family & five other friends (all gay) who were at the loose end as well. So 10 adults & 5 children in all - Excellent!
After much conference & consumption of many bottles of wine, a menu has been constructed which has now billowed out to 7 small courses. Most require very little or no cooking & I have managed to prepare one ahead of time already, I will do another today with the vast majority of prep, so theoretically things should all be plain sailing tomorrow - theoretically....
This year I also managed to get some knitted gifts done & I have been tickled with the satisfaction I have had from making & giving these gifts. I made a couple of pairs of Slippers one for my grandmother, another for an elderly friend of my Mum's & I made NZ's 'campest' tea cosy for good friends (who were the ones that gave me the 'Really Wild Tea Cosy' book). I would like to have done some more, but time ran away from me & as always I find myself saying - "I'll have to start earlier next year" - Yeah Right!
I just want to also take the time to acknowledge a milestone this month for this blog & thank you - all the poor suffering darlings who take five in their precious days to read it. The milestone: I clicked over 10,000 hits this month - 10,000!! Ten thousand times people have referred to my ranting & raving, incoherent ramblings & of course a spot of knitting. And if you were one of the ones who contributed to the 10K, especially if you kept coming back, THANK YOU!
I hope I have shared my brand Buscke of crazy into your lives & from myself, Dr.Phil, Louis, Hugo, Max & felines, I hope you & your families have a very happy & safe festive season. I will be back with more of the same in the New Year, I might even make a few of those pesky NY resolution thingees - now where's my glass, I mean needles!
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