Every year we take a Spring week out in Taupo, NZ's largest lake & the North Islands most famous alpine area. More importantly for us, it's just an hour forty from home, so ultra accessible when you have a couple of easily bored pre-schoolers. For the last couple of years we have rented a bach. A great alternative to a timeshare holiday as it has all the charming comforts of home along with being kiddie & pooch friendly.
This year we are in Taupo a few weeks earlier than usual. At home we have roses blooming & all the early Spring flowering is a distant memory. That is not the case in the cooler, alpine Taupo. The garden here still has flowering cherry blossoms, & a stunning display of Rhodo's, the reason for this should be obvious, a cooler alpine climate, but I have to say I have gotten soft & foolishly assumed that temperatures would be, well, more Spring-ish - Wrong, oh so very wrong. Not to be too crass, it's cold, nipple raising, witches tit, freezing faaaaaarking cold.
Is this a sign of my impending middle age? Why is it I have become soft? Why is it just the thought of a Spring frost has me clinging to the Kent fire like a limpet? It's tragic, utterly tragic. Just as well I have a couple of sweet baby projects to keep my fingers busy - well that's when they aren't freezing off!
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