Bella's Famous Mittens
So where does the knitting come in you ask? Mittens initially. Namely those famous 'Bella Mittens'. Designed by Ruth Cross, she had no idea her mittens had been purchased by the production studio until just after the first Twilight film was released, then her website became inundated by requests for "Bellas Mittens". If you fancy knitting your own Bella-rific mittens, this a an excellent pattern available for free.

Alice's Wrist Warmers from New Moon
A quick Google search reveals a wealth of other Twilight inspired knits. The quirky Alice Cullen donned a pair of wrist warmers in New Moon, & another dedicated Twi-hard knitters carefully nutted out the pattern to Rosalie Cullens classic scarf.

Rosalie's Scarf
There have also been knits that have been inspired by the saga, one of my personal favourites are these Eclipse socks, combining the film & book cover imagery. From my own designs, my Ever After gauntlets could easily translate into some Twilight-ish, I knitted a pair for our nanny Coralie in Midnight Blue, very Twilight!

Coralies 'Twilight' Ever After Gauntlets
Am I going to the one minute past midnight screening tonight I hear you ask? Nope, this old vamper needs her beauty sleep, I'll just have to sate my blood lust with the season opener of True Blood 3 instead!