MacBuscke Knits: The ramblings from a frantic, frazzled knitting fanatic, who wishes she has more time to knit in between motherhood, business & furr children! Creator of Knit August Nights:
Friday, January 29, 2010
Difficult Days for Dog Lovers
The latter had great personal significance for us as Dr. Phil was the man tasked with putting this wee mite back together. It was heartbreaking, her facial injuries were extensive, but luckily for her, as well as Dr. Phil being the Ophthalmologist on call, he is also the only ocular plastic surgeon in the region. Usually this is the sort of surgery that he relishes, but this time it was made more poignant by the fact we have a child of a similar age & are so smitten about our dearly beloved pooch. The thought that any well cared for dog could wreck such savagery is just beyond us. I am pleased to report that she is now doing very well, the eyelid injuries look great, but the emotional scars will take longer to heal.
The icing on the cake was the canine massacre in Wellsford. I was almost sick last night when I saw what had transpired. I'm a country girl & have much more pragmatic views on these matters, but there is a right way & a wrong way to do things - this is definitely the wrong way! I whole heartidly give my full support to Bob Kerridge & his team at the SPCA it their moves to bring those responsible to justice.
It just leaves one thing to do, gather good friends around this weekend & eat, drink & be thankful for the beautiful bounty of Hawkes Bay. I might see you at Harvest HB, I'll be the one with the knitting!!
Friday, January 22, 2010
New Life, New Year

Inspiration was found in the form of some Regia Silk Color sock yarn purchased from the delicious James Herbison's J.O.Y in Greytown about 6 months ago. The splendid blend of subtle off tones, which are gender neutral, are perfect for Alexander & also wee baby Faith, which is due any day now. I have had great fun buying some matching stretch & grow's, cluck, cluck, cluck goes this old bird!!

I used a picot edge, just for something a little different.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Knitting by the Pool

The most exciting thing though to happen this week was the first 'unofficial' meeting of the Hawkes Bay Knitters, formed via Ravelry. A small group of us have been knattering & we have finally got things organised to get together. In typical fashion this hardy bunch couldn't wait for the first official meeting, taking place next week, so we had a sneaky trial run over coffee yesterday. There is nothing better for the motivation than getting together with other knitters. We are all now fizzing for the next 'official' meeting & are even looking at doing some evening meetings over an intoxicating beverage or too (yipee!).
Monday, January 4, 2010
Lifes a Beach.

The hot holiday destination in NZ this year certainly seemed to be Gisborne. This is my home town, so I am more that used to throngs of holiday makers making a path to it's golden shores, what I wasn't prepared for were the tens of thousand festival goers who came for Rhythm & Vines. However this mattered not. My parents lived in the country & even better was my brother who lives beach front on Wainui beach.

Now before you get visions of a grand beach palace, my brother literally lives in the worse house on a very affluent street & he loves it! He had made great preparations for the many visitors who arrived for festive season. Louis & Hugo just adored the beach & having time with their cousin Nina.

I managed to get some time to unwind & catch up with family & friends who I hadn't seen for a very long time. I bearly had time to knit, just a couple of panels completed on the Ahuriri blanket.