MacBuscke Knits: The ramblings from a frantic, frazzled knitting fanatic, who wishes she has more time to knit in between motherhood, business & furr children! Creator of Knit August Nights: www.knitaugustnights.co.nz
One of my "Multi Glass Projects"
My other "Multi Glass Project" a Cashmere cowl.
To that end this winter for the first time I have multiple projects on the go, to help match the level of inebriation, I mean relaxation, I have at the time. Currently I have 4 WIP, FOUR! I have never had this much work on the go, but I have so many ideas whirring around in my head that I am struggling to keep up with what I want to get translated out on the needles (pour another glass of wine). Add to that a mini baby boom by friends & family and I am very busy indeed (glug, glug).
In an attempt to get my shit together I have started (more accurately, restarted) a project book. Keeping more detailed notes of each project just in case it is one I want to get published or have some one who would like a copy. I would like to say it is neatly typed up, in edited, print ready format, but alas it's hand written scrawlings (what the bottles empty already?) with wadges of yarn stapled randomly in next to them. Oh well is it time for a port? What on tellie now? Where's the cowl?