Cyclamen, Apple, Syrah, Peacock
It's tax time. The time of year when I really get to see whether my filing system is really up to scratch & I do all those jobs I have spent an entire year putting off. So far, I have to say, it's been pretty painless. Due in no small part I assume to the fact that I have just had a relaxing tropical holiday, so therefore in the right frame of mind to attack those clerical jobs I usually despise.
Things at work are pretty exciting too, whilst I have been away the new seasons colours have finally found there way into the shop. This is the first time I have had a hand in helping select these colours, a fun & nerve wracking process all at the same time. The good news is there are loads a brights, funky vibrant colours to help shake off those recession blues. I have been very restrained by not taking any of the new colours home & casting on instantly, I am dying to do a triangle colour pattern using the Apple, Cyclamen, & Peacock. I can not however cast on another thing until Fusty Cardy is finished. I have about 5cm of the last sleeve left & then the neckband finishing - the homeward stretch, I am determined to have it done this weekend so I can start something new!
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