There is a the well documented phenomenom of the "addiction" gene. The one that can make you more predisposed to smoking, gambling, alcoholism or drugs. I am afraid that this gene is very strong through the maternal side of my family & I have often wondered 'do I have the addict gene?'
I think the answer to this could be 'yes', if an addiction to a hobby & craft qualify. I have been knitting for 25 odd years, give or take, consistantly without a break for the last 5 & I am hoplessly hooked. For years I resisted the lure of stashing yarn, starting multipe projects only go unfinished & literature that would make a librarian swoon, but I have now succumbed (with only 2 UFO's at this stage) now being in possesion of a very large stash of yarn & a pattern library which truely has made the credit card groan.
The good news with all of this is, as addictions go, knitting isn't too bad. If disciplined you can regularly produce well loved items of clothing & soft furnishing for family & friends, even envied. It's an activity which is becoming ever increasingly popular & socially acceptable, & it has even replaced other addictions - I have taught many a friend & rellie to knit who have used this vice to help curb or give up completely other vices (especially smoking).
So if you, like me, have the addiction gene & can thoroughly recommend getting hooked on knitting, clean, safe (except when knitting needles fall into the hands of toddlers - another blog for another time) & for me, my obsession of choice.